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All India Women’s Conference-logo

All India Women’s Conference


We want to work for a society based on the principles of social justice, integrity, equal rights and opportunities for all. To secure recognition of the inherent rights of every human being, to work for the essentials of life, such as food, clothing, housing, education, social amenities and security in the belief that these should not be determined by accident of birth or sex but by planned social distribution. To support the claim of every citizen to the right to enjoy basic civil rights and liberties. To stand against all separatist tendencies and to promote greater national integration and unity. To work actively for general progress and welfare of the women and children and to help women to utilise to the fullest fundamental rights conferred on them by the constitution of India.

Our Vision

To emancipation, Education and Empowerment of Women.

Our Mission

To work actively for the progress and welfare of women and children. Help women utilize to the fullest the Fundamental Rights conferred on them by the Constitution of India. To work for a society where women are free from all types of violence, especially domestic violence and sexual harassment. To empower women and prepare them for taking up leadership roles.

EduCARE India-logo

EduCARE India



Every human being is capable, confident and responsible global citizen.
EduCARE envisions a world where all people have the opportunity and capacity to direct social, environmental, and economic resources toward sustainable outcomes that improve lives and communities.


EduCARE’s mission is to
– develop and administer effective programs that have at their core the goals of spreading knowledge and awareness, imparting skills, creating opportunities and capacity building amongst individuals, families and community groups leading to sustainable development.;
– to develop and implement creative community-based strategies to enhance pathways for social justice, public health, economic empowerment, intellectual freedom, and ecological consciousness amongst individuals, families and social groups working to achieve their rationalized Life Dreams

Hamari Kaksha-logo

Hamari Kaksha


It is Hamari Kaksha’s endeavor to extend a helping hand to the less fortunate so that they are able to do well in all spheres of life. We view our work as nation building. We provide a support home so that they become morally, emotionally and intellectually stronger and do not become victims of crime, abuse and ignorance. By empowering our children with a sound foundation and a rounded personality we hope to make them smarter, happier, more productive members of the society. Our motto is potential unlimited where not only is the latent talent of these children explored and tapped but also a platform is provided to the young volunteers to make them socially aware and responsible.
