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Zila Yuva Vikas Sanghthan-logo

Zila Yuva Vikas Sanghthan

Zila Yuva Vikas Sanghthan

Zila Yuva Vikas Sanghthan is a Non-Profit Organization. ZYVS is a National Level Development Organization which was established in Year 2005 and was registered in Year 2006 with an objective of providing sustainable development to Urban and Rural areas of India. ZYVS is the Sanghthan of the Youth for the change. ZYVS shall meet the aspirations of young generation. Though the movement has been initiated by Mr. Tarun Kaushal & Mr. Naresh Mittal under the banner of Zila Yuva Vikas Sanghthan but it is the dream of every Indian to see its country well developed, self sufficient, capable and well managed. People from all walks of life, breaking the boundaries of religion, caste, region, etc. have joined the movement and its number is increasing day by day. ZYVS movement of change is being spreading the state of Haryana and shall move to other states in due course of time. ZYVS believes that Social power is necessary tool to bring the change.

ZYVS has been undertaking various development programs in various sectors and areas providing support to the Children from Child Abuse, Labour, Abandonment, Rescue from Abuse, Child Lost, Sponsorship, Shelter, etc, provided help to aged people and moreover Empowering Women. In this process, the organization had not only achieved a tremendous field presence but also had developed a body of professional belonging to various streams. ZYVS also established a vast network of volunteer at a grass root level and consultants at regional level, in the hope that someday it will bring fragrance to society. The Human Resource (HR) Asset enables the Organization to undertake and implement various projects of varying nature in a professionalized manner to overcome the problems of society. In each Organizational Programme, we always focus on achieving sustainability and reliability in the programme.

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Foundation Against Thalassaemia

Foundation Against Thalassaemia

“Foundation Against Thalassaemia Regd.” is a registered NGO based at Faridabad Haryana India. Foundation was set up in 1995 and was registered under societies act 1860/21 on 24 April 2001 by a group of parents & charitable members of community. Foundation received no subvention [grant] from Government over the years, Foundation had been inspired to work towards improving clinical care, enhance public awareness of Thalassaemia. This is to ensure that children born with Thalassaemia major can grow in the healthy and happy environment. Its members are engaged in various activities aimed for 'Prevention and Treatment' of a dreaded disease Thalassaemia.

We are helping Thalassaemics by providing free medicines and blood. As you know Thalassaemia is genetic incurable disease in which affected child unable to maintain normal hemoglobin level. Completely depending on the periodic blood transfusion and regular supply of medicines till the very end of their lives, the children suffering from the scourge of Thalassaemia cannot be treated with any type of diet/tonic or medicine. The only solution effected child requires blood transfusion at the interval of 15 to 20 days to survive and also requires costly medicines approximate 5 to 10 thousands per month. The treatment is too torturous and painful besides heavy expenses; patients and their parents have to suffer heavy mental tension.

Our organization Foundation Against Thalassaemia is the only one organization in Haryana, which is fighting a battle of survival for the Children suffering from the deadly disease in a bigway.

Permanent and best treatment for such children is Bone Marrow Transplantation (B.M.T.) with a matched brother / sister. In India Bone Marrow Transplantation is available at Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore Tamil Nadu. The estimated cost of B.M.T at C.M.C H Vellore is around 12 lac. In addition to this cost, medicines and timely investigation before and after B.M.T costs another 2 – 3 lac making a total budget of Rs. 14 – 15 Lac. [1 Dollar = approximate Rs.45 Indian currency]

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Anadi Seva Prakalp

Anadi Seva Prakalp

Anadi Seva Prakalp was formed with the main object to organize, develop capabilities in rural poor people of and community to improve their position in the society through economic activities. The major aspect of the society is empowerment of women through economic generation activities. It is to support under privileged and deprived children with proper protection , education and training so that their dignity may be valued.


Anadi Seva Prakalp is working in the field of rural development & society welfare in the slum of urban and backward areas especially to uplift the socio- economic condition of neglected impecunious and weaker section of the community. It places strong emphasis on poor women & children who suffer the burnt of Economic, Social and Culture deprivation. Anadi Seva Prakalp is Registered Society under the Societies Act-1860(Revised time to time) with its Head quarters at Faridabad, Haryana (Plot no-555 Sec-21/C, FBD) having Republic of India as its area of operation , so far it has two branchs offices in addition to the Head Quarter

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SaiDham Foundation

SaiDham Foundation

SaiDham Foundation is an initiative of Shirdi Sai Baba Temple Society, Faridabad (Haryana) to serve the humanity through its various activities such as providing free and high quality education to over 2000 poor children with food, clothing, study material, sports, health care and excursions; free skill development to youth with placement; healthcare to the needy and facilitating social well-being like mass marriages, and women empowerment benefitting more than 2,00,000 families in 4 states across India.

We at SaiDham have always believed that lack of education amongst the underprivileged is the main ailment which is plaguing the nation and preventing the all-round development of individuals. SaiDham Foundation aims to transform the fundamental aspects involved in primary education. We adopt a holistic approach. Our educational program developed in response to the need for moral, character and social development of the young buds make them became responsible citizens of India.

Every Child should have access to high-quality education without cost, skill development with placement, nutritious food and proper medical care.

SaiDham Foundation provides Skill training in its premises by providing training to underprivileged in industrial sewing, dress designing, beauty culture, electronics, plumbing, electrical and hospitality etc. The programs have seen great success with huge appreciation by youth and the Corporate.

SaiDham, established in 1988, ISO 9001:2008 certified, it is a non-profit organization engaged in the socio-economic uplifting of the society, cutting across caste, creed, color and religion.

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Association for Stimulating Know-how (ASK)

Association for Stimulating Know-how (ASK)

Association for Stimulating Know-how (ASK) is a not for profit development organisation, registered in 1993, under the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860.

ASK is committed to the vision of bringing measurable change to marginalised communities at grassroots through active engagement with partners in the process. ASK works with communities, NGO, Corporations, funders, bilateral and multilaterals on Projects and programs all over India, in parts of South and South East Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

ASK focuses on strengthening organisation and stakeholder capacities by providing contextual inputs and sustainable solutions that focus on results, quality improvement and accountability. Our continuous focus is on providing hands-on accompaniment and support to our partners to ensure effective transfer of knowledge and skills and contribute towards organisational growth.

The organisation has a proven track record of supporting mission-driven organizations through various stages of development and requirements from strategy and mentorship to evaluation, research and documentation and capacity building.

ASK is known to work with strong values, integrity, transparency, and accountability, providing customized and relevant inputs to our partners and target communities.

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Bharti Foundation

Bharti Foundation


To help underprivileged children and young people of our country realize their potential.


Committed to creating and supporting programs that bring about sustainable changes through education and use of technology.


To improve the accessibility and quality of education across rural India.

To provide education and training opportunities to the youth of our country in order to make them employable.

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ADRA India

ADRA India


“The Adventist Development and Relief Agency is a global humanitarian organization ?of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church that demonstrates God’s love and compassion.”


“ADRA works with people in poverty and distress to create positive change and ?justness through empowering partnerships and responsible action.”


“ADRA is a professional, learning and efficient network that embodies integrity and ?transparency. ADRA reaches across boundaries empowering and speaking out for the ?at-risk and forgotten to achieve measurable, documented and durable changes in lives ?and society.”

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Voice of Specially Abled People

Voice of Specially Abled People

Vision :

To become the “Transformation Catalyst” for the world to become an “INCLUSIVE” place where Specially Abled People enjoy equality as human beings, opportunity to excel and contribute based on their abilities and lives with dignity and independence.

Mission :

To create a mass movement and be the “CHANGE MAKER” with comprehensive, collective THOUGHT LEADERSHIP, ACTIONS and ADVOCACY for the EMPOWERMENT of 7 crore Specially Abled People (SAP) through Accessibility, Education and Employment that helps build the INCLUSIVE 21st century Indian society.




Sukarya is a non-profit organization, registered in 2001 under Indian Trust Act 1982 with its Trust deed registration # 7373 dated 3rd August 2000.

Today , Sukarya is known as a credible and dedicated organization in the field of health with a special focus on mother and children, self-help groups (SHG) and women's empowerment. A vision of a society where good health is within easy reach for everyone, inspires and drives all our work. We work in hard to reach areas serving the most vulnerable people by offering them opportunities to live a healthy and better life. We provide men and women a range of quality services ranging from comprehensive health care, antenatal care, and reproductive and child health care. We work to ensure that women and children are well nourished and protected from common illness. We build awareness about key health issues and focus on overcoming barriers that constrain women, children and adolescents in seeking timely medical help. We work to address the larger issues of low social and economic status of women that in turn influence their health seeking behaviour because we believe that women have the right to be in control of their lives.


The Wildlife Protection Society Of India (WPSI)


The Wildlife Protection Society Of India (WPSI) was founded in 1994 by Belinda Wright, its Executive Director, who was an award-winning wildlife photographer and filmmaker till she took up the cause of conservation. From its inception, WPSI's main aim has been to bring a new focus to the daunting task of tackling India's growing wildlife crisis. It does this by providing support and information to government authorities to combat poaching and the escalating illegal wildlife trade - particularly in wild tigers. It has now broadened its focus to deal with human-animal conflicts and provide support for research projects.

With a team of committed environmentalists, WPSI is one of the most respected and effective wildlife conservation organisations in India. It is a registered non-profit organisation, funded by a wide range of Indian and international donors. The Society’s Board Members include leading conservationists and business people.


WPSI aims to bring new focus and energy to tackle the growing wildlife crisis in India. Our goal is to protect endangered species and their habitats through awareness, support, and training. We are committed to creating an enduring paradigm to conserve India's wildlife by working with local communities and government agencies to curb poaching and the illegal wildlife trade across the country.

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Literacy India

Literacy India

Literacy India can rightly be synonymized with three very powerful words: Education, Empowerment and Employment. The very essence of Literacy India are these three E’s which are both powerful and paramount in transforming lives!

The name Literacy India is a misnomer because, although literacy is the predominant initiative of the organization, this initiative is reinforced with a variety of vocational skills and alternative models of education that are relevant, holistic and enriching. Capt. Indrani Singh, who conceptualized Literacy India says,” the idea is to equip underprivileged children and women with basic education and also identify, nurture and develop their latent talent and skills wherein empowering them and increasing their employability quotient”.


It is Literacy India’s motto to impart basic education to women and children. The emphasis is on providing education not in a typical classroom manner, but to give a child a wider canvas of exposure in a socio-cultural environment. Literacy India envisions to keep its student’s at par with the fast evolving world around them. In line with this thought, Literacy India is looking at transforming the education landscape through exposing the student to a more innovative and non-traditional method of learning. This includes fun activities and workshops on group learning, drama, dance, role plays etc.

Khushboo Welfare Society (Khushboo)-logo

Khushboo Welfare Society (Khushboo)

Khushboo Welfare Society (Khushboo)

Khushboo Welfare Society (Khushboo) was established on 13 November 1995 as a non profit organization under the Societies Act, 1860 to provide holistic care and multifarious services to people with mental and multiple disabilities.

Our Vision

To have a society where the physically and mentally challenged lead a life of care, dignity and respect.

Our Mission

Help the physically and mentally challenged to become self reliant, realise their full potential and enhance their capabilities to the maximum possible.

Spastic Society Of Gurgaon-logo

Spastic Society Of Gurgaon


It is an occasion of great joy and celebration when a child is born. But in some cases after few months of the birth, the family discovers that the child is not able to hold objects, crawl or walk. A spine chilling news is broken to the parents that the child has an incurable and irreversible condition called ‘Cerebral Palsy’ and may never be able to hold neck, walk or talk like a normal child next door. A sense of gloom dawns for a few days, at times, it lingers on for many years before the parents get adjusted to the thought of being mother and father of a spastic child. But, then, life is as such. One is to outgrow this sense of gloom.

On the positive side, in the journey of life, parents are blessed with a new companion who is to be taken care of. In case of cerebral palsy the period of care is prolonged and provides more psychological fulfillment to parents whereas bestowing of filial love on children is concerned. But, one feeling which one is unable to overcome as a parent to a spastic child is that what will happen to the child after death of the mother, the father or the caregiver, towards whom the child was always anxiously looking for all his daily care and emotional needs. This thought prompted us to take certain initiatives for short term and long term care of these children.

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Crime reformer association(CRA)

Crime reformer association(CRA)

Crime reformer association(CRA) is a pan-India non-government organization established in 2001. The objective of the organization is to check and fight the evils of the society for its betterment. The organization is registered under the Societies Registration Act of XXI, 1860 since February, 2008.

In our organization (crime reformer association) we have total a team of 150 retd. IAS & IPS officers and also we have many famous Industrialists near by the Haryana, also the high profile businessman and so many government retired officers also 50 members are working for the organization free of cost for the welfare and growth of the organization. In our organization, we have lots of members like school going or college going students. We mainly fight for the prostitution which is now a day’s spoiling the lives of the youngsters.

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Adhikaar - The Rights Path

Adhikaar - The Rights Path

Adhikaar - the rights path is an NGO registered with the Govt of Haryana in 2006-07 and is actively working in the NCR (National Capital Region) for Civil, Consumer and Human Rights for all sections of society. It is supported by an active team of volunteers comprising of eminent people from various walks of life. We have our dedicated team of lawyers, scholars, retired judges, retired senior officers from civil and military working on purely voluntary basis with an aim to raise awareness and also to take up cases with appropriate authorities when brought to our notice. We also offer following services to public at large:-

Free consultations

Advice on above matters

Organise campaigns, seminars and lectures to spread awareness about citizen rights!

Hema Foundation-logo

Hema Foundation

Hema Foundation

Hema Foundation is a philanthropic arm of the Ram Ratna Group, working towards imparting CULTURAL & MORAL EDUCATION to children at a very impressionable young age. The foundation looks to enlighten children about the key roles played by parents and society in shaping them into fine individuals. It aims to cultivate better and compassionate understanding of their responsibilities towards Self, Family, Society, the Nation at large, and help them become better human beings.

The importance of Value Education has been long recognized but the methods to impart have not been definitive. Seeing is Believing. There is no impact quite like a visual impact. With this understanding, the foundation has produced few short films on Human Values with strong meaningful messages. An interactive session between the teacher and the children on the relevant subject, followed by playing of the documentaries and ending with resolutions, would be an high impact method to drive the point across into the hearts and minds of children.

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Srishti Foundation

Srishti Foundation

Srishti Foundation is a national level development organisation directly benefitting over 1000 children and their families every year, through 100 welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood and women empowerment, in more than 100 remote villages and slums across 25 states of India.

Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life: the means because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one's awareness on a range of issues – from healthcare to appropriate social behavior to understanding one's rights – and in the process help him/her evolve as a better citizen.

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SRIMS Emergency Service Foundation

SRIMS Emergency Service Foundation

Incorporated on 20 November, 2009 SRIMS EMERGENCY SERVICE FOUNDATION is a non-profit organization setup as a section 25 company to provide free life saving services. Healthcare is arising as a big boom and SRIMS has reinvented the existing healthcare scenario by trying to bring it closer to the patient with its preventive, curative and palliative care. We sponsor and implement programs that promote road safety, prevent accident and create traffic awareness. Our health related programs will help respond to physical emergency situations like fainting, seizures, stroke/brain attack, heat exhaustion, heart attack, cardiac arrest, choking, asthma, allergic reaction, head injury, nose bleed, burns, animal bite, fractures and the like. Steps to help manage and provide first aid during natural disasters like earthquake, fire, flood as well as severe weather is also initiated by us. Further, emergency medical service in the form of ambulance, well-equipped mobile dispensaries, health camps, hospitals and dispensaries are made avail through us.

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MDD India

MDD India


To Provide love, care, protection, education and opportunities to the desperate, destitute and underprivileged.


To work towards our vision by providing care, shelter, training and capacity to the underprivileged and marginalized, who live in streets/pavement, slums, villages and other areas, irrespective of religion, caste, creed, colour, language, region and community.
